Would you be so angry if I pointed and laughed at what Conspiracy theorists said? That is on the same website.
Just explain to me why, and I might understand. Please.
EDIT: I have had a back and forth chat with her. The result: I have been unfriended. ...Fun...
The original post:
Reading Fundies say the Darndest Things. One post claims that Obama is a "gay Marxist atheist Muslim pinko commie"...
..."atheist Muslim?"
SRB likes this.
Me: ..."suggested the "glaciers" were not ice but frozen water"
10 hours ago · Like
Me:"We don't just think the Bible is true. It IS true because it's the Word of God. People who say "It's true because the Bible says it's true" is illogical are ignorant of the natures of both truth and the Bible and are themselves guilty of being illogical."
10 hours ago · Like
Me: "No, God's Penis is not a biological organ. I never said God's Penis was the same as man's penis. Obviously it wouldn't be. That is why I pointed out God has a Holy, Righteous Penis. That is to say, it's not the same as man's corrupted, fleshy one. "
Me: "Most Jews are ATHEISTS."
Me: "[After Irish culture is brought up in comparison]So you believe the Rome's propoganda about Vikings, Germans and 'Barbarians'?... The nations of that region [modern-day Russia] asked the Vikings to come rule their land, and teach them the ways of peace. The viking kingdoms were orderly, peaceful lands of serene wisdom and love."
Me: "Poodles (like all domestic varieties) are the result of a downward process! They have not just developed from dog genes, but from cursed copies of dog genes! "
Me: "["The Hebrews crossed the 'sea of reeds'. Most Jews agree on this. After all, the first 5 books are theirs."] The first five books are theirs? Um, no. Moses was a Christian. Sorry. "
Me: "Some things can not be explained by science. Take for example, rainbows."
Me: "The sun isn't the only source of light you know? Think of a cloudly day, there's light coming from somewhere."
Me: "Climate Change is a religion and it's holy sacrament is Abortion. "
Me: "if evolution was real humans, and animals alike would not need reproductive organs."
Me: "Past immigrants were Christian Muslims who were persecuted by Islamic Muslims."
Me: "Let me see you take Hydrogen, and oxygen to make water? God can. But the smartest man ever to live can't."
Me: "modern scientists need to be reeled in and monitered, no more giving them a free pass or assuming they know what they are talking about"
Me: "Forcing a wife to have sex is not rape as her body already belongs to her husband."
[other person's posts omitted]
Her: please remove this thread Abby
Me: No.I am going to laugh at idiots. I know they are not representative of the general spectrum.
Her: you are being disrespectful, stupid and insulting... to people who have been good to you. I thought you were smart.... guess not
Me: How am I being insulting?
Her: read my comments above abby! Moses was a WHAT??? dumb
Me: That's why I was posting them. They are dumb and stupid.
And if you look at the moses quote, both the first and second paragraphs are part of the same quote.
Source: http://www.fstdt.com/QuoteComment.aspx?QID=60963
Her: abby it is still stupid to post this kind of crap
Me: *reads previous post*: "That's why I was posting them. They are dumb and stupid."
Me: Oh and the "I though you were smart" line. Total appeal to intelligence. Straight out of Derailing for Dummies.
No thank you.
Her: no sense in even reading your words any more Abby. I wish you well, and I hope your sad thoughts stay relatively close to you. Good luck..
Me: I understand you opinion. I, however, will not make any changes.
I am not you. I am not related to you. I value your opinions on some matters, but this is not one of them.
Oh, and she did not get terribly offended at the post about Obama. It's perfectly fine to quote somebody calling him a "gay Marxist atheist Muslim pinko commie", but you can't call quote somebody calling Moses a christian.
I even edited out the last word for her in the OP because I didn't want to deal with this crap. The original phrasing was "gay Marxist atheist Muslim pinko commie Nazi". I took out 'Nazi'.
She did not get upset at the "Al jews are atheist" line. neither at the post about God's penis. She instead got pissed at the "Moses was a christian" line.
These things, they do not compute.
Dang, people suck Abster. Sorry that happened, I thought the quotes were funny myself.