Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I am an Ass

I want to apologize for one of my previous posts. I re-read it and I am an ass that needs to get her privilege checked.

I am white. I have not experienced racial discrimination. I do not know what it is like to experience racial discrimination because I am white.

Sorry about that guys.

    In other news:
  • CPR training starts at WLA tomorrow. Kinda scared about it. The fact that I will have training for emergency situations immediately makes me do the freakage.
  • After CPR clinicals start. Me actually dealing with people in a people setting. I am not much of a people person. I am afraid I will mess it up.
  • The guys get back in Ft. Myers the end of this week, but THERE IS FREAKING FAMILY STUFF IN ORLANDO!

That's all for now. TTYL