Thursday, April 4, 2013

More Updates...

  • Sometime this week, I'm signing up for my first semester of classes in the zoo. Hallelujah! Finally!
  • Kirby has informed me that A.) Sugar Heart's coma is going to last a while; and B.) if she dies, I'm out of the game.
  • "Shadows of the Republic" was supposed to be on Wednesday. I was running late so I headed directly to the library instead of meeting in the Batcave first. Bad idea. Zach canceled the session cause no one showed up at the Batcave.
  • The Doctor Who premiere was last Saturday and I don't know how to feel about it. I was excited for Clara cause she was going to be a computer geek, but to get her geekiness from an outside source was, in my opinion, disingenuous. Thanks a lot, Moffat!
  • I got an email from the Huffington Post STEM group and they should be assigning new pairs soon. I think I have a 1/20 change to get assigned this round, wich is awesome, but I'm probably remembering the figures wrong. Oh well.
  • Neil deGrasse Tyson was speaking at UF last night. like half the game night group headed over to see if we could grab tickets, but they were all gone. Since we were in the area, I swung by the Aquarium shop. THEY ARE HIRING! I might have a chance to get in. *squee* that would be so cool to work there.
That's pretty much it. TTYL.