Monday, April 1, 2013

Not again...

Another entry in the saga of Gail and her adventures in Equestria:

Last Friday was the weekly Ponyfinder game. The party is heading into the xenophobic Ib'xian Empire to rescue slaves. The quietest way to get in without anyone noticing is through a cave system on the outskirts of the Crystal Kingdom. The entrance is guarded by multiple black crystals.

My alchemist is currently sugar rushing, which does temporary WIS damage, but I double my speed. I'm the scout, but not so smart. Being not-so-smart, I decide to lick one of the crystals to see what it is and promptly fail my will save (This entire party groans at this, cause this is the 3rd time this has happened. I have a bad history with will saves). I'm cursed, but I manage to drink a part of a potion of Remove Curse, so the effects aren't bad.

That's only the beginning.

We're part of the way through the caves when it starts to get hot. It gets hot enough that we need to stop. I'm still sugar rushing, so I get nominated to scout down the tunnels. One of the party tosses me his Cloak of Comfort, so I can survive a while down there. I fly down about 45 minutes and find a cold spot. The entire rock surface of the cave is covered with brown mold. I fly back to the party and we decide to grow some of the brown mold in the hottest part, since it feeds on heat.

By now, I've taken -6 to WIS to maintain my speed. I head back to the brown mold and scrape some of it up with my shield. Kirby's smiling, so I dangle the shield from 20 feet of string. When I get close to the warmest part, the mold on my shield starts growing explosively. I pass my reflex save easy and drop the shield-on-a-string. Bad idea. The mold starts growing even faster.

I start racing back to the entrance as the mold catches up to me. I'm flying as fast as I can, but it's still not good enough. I end up using my hero point to "Sugar Boom" and escape the cave without dying. Everyone else heard the rumbling as the mold grew, so they got out safe, though one party member's cart was left.

The party is outside staring at the entrance to the cave as the rumbling gets louder. They see a purple blur shoot out of the entrance followed by a burst of brown fuzzyness. I don't land, I crash with a loud crash. The SugarBoom cracked my wings and I'm frozen solid. The party thaws me, but I am still unconscious. Temporarily, I no longer have control of my character.

I don't know if he planned it, but Kirby had me NPCify about 5 minutes before tipoff in the UF/FGCU game. He's done things like that before, so I think it was on purpose. Thanks to that, I could watch the game, but still semi-participate.